2010年9月28日 星期二

ABC - The Lexicon Of Love (1982)

1982 belongs to ABC!

I first came across this group via a single review of "Tears of Not Enough" in November 1981, actually.  Never got to hear what it sounds like but was quite impressed by the single cover.  The next year saw the release of their second single "Poison Arrow".  Heard it on BFBS and had it recorded on a cassette tape and I became a convert of the band right there and then!  The song was written in the style of funk with the piano intro giving way to an infectious beat and a thumping bass and I began to wonder if this was done by a group of black musicians as I did not possess any information of the band.  How wrong was I! 

Then in spring came their 3rd single "The Look of Love" again trasmitted via the radio to my ears.  Now this is a smogasbord of a song - you can hear the joy that went into the production.  Smartly produced, beautifully arranged, and exquisitely performed - this song was just a joy to hear!

Finally, the band's magnum opus - their first album "The Lexicon Of Love".  Thanks to their producer Trevor Horn, it was a blast from the beginning to the end.  Every song is a gem - every melody needed to be sung along and every lyric needed to be savoured.  That record came out in August 1982, but I didn't get to buy it until October.  I remember buying the record, went home, put it on the turntable and then I'll put a pair of headphones on and start that wonderful journey with the band.  The ritual lasted all the way till Christmas!  Only through listening the entire album can you only understand the joy that it brings.  Great production techniques, great songwriting, great lyrics and a wonderful album cover.  This record became one of my all-time favourites.  You can't go wrong with The Lexicon Of Love!

This record has been re-released with bonus tracks on CD - live stuff, extended remixes, demos etc;  but the real deal is the album - close to 40 minutes of magic split into 2 sides of vinyl.  I have two copies of vinyl in my record collection and they beat the re-issued CDs hands down!  If you haven't heard this album, go out and buy one!  You won't be disappointed!

2010年9月26日 星期日


Greetings everyone!  A hearty welcome to my world!

I was born in Hong Kong in the mid-60s; and music back then existed only on vinyl. I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me out for a walk one day and we passed by a couple of local record stores.  What I saw amazed me - lots of photographs that came in two sizes (7" and 12") that mostly comprised of groups of people.  In these photos packed circular-shaped of plastic discs that emulated sound when they're placed in a rectangular-shaped box with a needle put on top.  It was just magical - the entire process was magical and the sound coming out was mermerizing.  I was hooked for life! 

I had a faint idea of what was popular back then even though I was around 5 to 7 - Teddy Robin & The Playboys, Joe Junior, The Mystics, The Fabulous Echoes were top local artists that ruled the day.  Internationally, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Bee Gees became the main staple of radio-play.  There were just too much to mention.  Pirated tapes were all the rage back in the 70s so I had accessed to lots of interesting music.  When I entered secondary school, I came across this very influential music paper that is published weekly and was aptly called "Music Week".  I was entranced by the type of music that was introduced to the readers, and I owed my musical tastes to all the writers.  I can vividly recall saving my pocket money to go to their office in Wanchai to purchase the latest imported rock albums. 

I apologize as the introduction might not tell you much about what I enjoy listening.  I'm hoping that this blog will serve as a time capsule filled with musical gems from the past ready to be re-evaluated and appreciated all over again.   I hope to post as many album reviews as I possibly can in the months to come.  To whoever's visiting this site - may you possess the same amount of enthusiam as mine as well as a wide palette of musical tastes to appreciate the music that is still existing out there!  ,

Kudos to Mr. Sam Jor and the entire crew of Music Week (ie Danny Lee, Gerry, So So, Lynn Kasey, Rigor Mortis, Simon Chung and many more) for kick-starting my journey into music. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed!